

Learn how propellers work in air and water at the Intrepid Museum with educator Jonathan Milard.

Marshmallow Tower Challenge

Marshmallow Tower Challenge

Build a tower using marshmallows and toothpicks with Mister C! Practice the design process: design, test, redesign, retest.

Skip the Straw

Skip the Straw

Sing along and see how you can make a difference for our earth with WHRO’s “GreenBeats”.

Making Ice Pops

Making Ice Pops

Learn about the invention of the ice pop by a kid inventor! Then Make a Camp TV multi-layered ice pop with Zing.

Upside Down Water Cup

Upside Down Water Cup

Can air keep water from falling out of an upside-down container? Mister C shows us how gravity helps make an air-tight seal!

DIY Heatless Lava Lamp

DIY Heatless Lava Lamp

Water and vegetable oil don’t want to mix. Mister C shows us how we can use this property to create our own lava lamp!

Kid Expert: Black Holes

Kid Expert: Black Holes

From Story Pirates, kid expert Vivaan answers all your questions about black holes. How is a black hole formed? How could something escape it? How big can it get? What is spaghettification?